Memories of Gillian Briggs
Tribute by Gian Clare, Chairman, Warwick District United Nations Association, on the passing of Gillian Briggs.
My earliest memories of Gillian date back to the late 1980s, when she began attending regional executive meetings as a representative of the Moseley UNA Branch. At the time, Frank Hooley chaired the region, with Donald Cooper as treasurer.
Gillian’s dedication soon saw her elected as Secretary of the Central Region in 1991/92, where she served with both Frank Hooley and later Michael Durkin and also when I was chairperson of the region.
Over the years, Gillian passionately served the Moseley and Birmingham branches and the Central Region, committing herself wholeheartedly to the ideals of the United Nations Association and the UN itself. Gillian also represented the Central Region on the UNA-UK Board and attended practically all UNA-UK organised events as well as events organised by the UNA branches in the central region notably Church Stretton UNA and Warwick District UNA.
Gillian firmly believed in the power of the UN to address international challenges, often voicing her frustration when its potential was sidelined. She and I frequently attended UNA Annual Conferences, where her sharp intellect and thoughtful contributions to debates left a lasting impression. Gillian never hesitated to challenge wording in resolutions or motions if she felt they could be improved, reflecting her meticulous attention to detail and deep convictions.
A trailblazer in her professional life, Gillian was also a passionate advocate for women’s rights, particularly in employment and education. Her dedication led her to join the UNA Women’s Advisory Group, where she eventually served as chairperson. Her interests extended to human rights, social justice, and global issues—she was an active member of organizations like Amnesty International and the Russian Society.
Gillian’s infectious personality, warmth, and welcoming nature made her a joy to be around. She had a remarkable ability to make everyone feel at ease, and her passion for the causes she championed was both inspiring and contagious. She was a pillar of the Birmingham UNA, the Central Region, and indeed the wider UN Association. Her passing is a profound loss to all who knew her, and to the UNA community, which is poorer without her steadfast dedication and wisdom.
It is impossible to fully capture Gillian’s contributions and spirit in words. She was a true internationalist and an unwavering believer in the principles of multilateralism—a shining example of commitment to a better world.
I am sure that those who know Gillian would have their own personal memories of her.
We will deeply miss her.
Photo credit: from an article by Gillian on International Women’s Day 2013 published by UNA-UK
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